Client Stories

Shaping Culture Through Safety

The Company

For over 95 years, this manufacturer has been providing chemical, plastic and ingredient solutions to the marketplace from 7 unique sites with a highly diverse workforce.

The Challenge

As a provider of sensitive materials, safety is taken very seriously. For 20 years the President’s Safety Award has been recognizing employees for reaching 100 days without a lost time accident. However, it did little to stimulate pro-active measures for process improvement.

The results from a bi-annual Safety Perception Survey confirmed management’s concern relating to “near miss” and process improvement reporting so this manufacturer decided to re-vamp their safety program to improve employee and front-line management perceptions and behaviors surrounding workplace safety.

The Safety Program

CSISTARS was chosen for its ability to customize a Safety program from scratch that met the very unique needs of this manufacturer’s multiple sites. Simplicity was also very important. CSISTARS flexible platform combined Recognition and Safety into one easy to use software that managed everything.

CSI digitized the manual “near miss” and process improvement reporting adding intrinsic and extrinsic rewards to encourage employees to report issues and make suggestions, shaping a safety culture in the process.

Points are allocated to employees based on the impact to their site, the business unit and/or the company. Employees can redeem points for popular merchandise, sports tickets, travel and more.

CSISTARS Social Recognition tools also allow managers to publicly thank staff for their suggestions, broadcast goals and track progress and results. It has made for some friendly competition while sharing important learnings and safety practices across the seven plants.

The Results – “Plan, Do, Check and Act”

This Safety Recognition Program has decreased the number of safety-related incidents in just 19 months.

The latest Employee Safety Perception survey revealed 95% of employees now feel the company encourages process improvement/”near miss” reporting and has a culture that promotes safety (an increase of 13% from 2014).

150 participating employees 2013 Data 2016 Data
Injuries to employees (TRI) 5 people 4 people
Property Damage Reports in 2013 34 incidents 27 incidents
Process Improvement & Near Miss Reports 68 680
Money Spent on Recognition Program $31,343 $13,260

This manufacturer had 680 “near miss” and process improvement reports in 2016 compared with 68 in 2013 prior to the program launch – a 900% increase
This huge increase in reporting not only translates into a safer environment it significantly lowered recognition and safety-incident related costs.

CSISTARS platform is not just tracking near miss reports, but actively engaging employees to offer and implement suggestions related to near misses.

Staying safe depends on doing the right thing all day every day, even when nobody is looking.

The result is company-wide awareness with respect to many discrete and routine tasks. Staying focused on the “little things” is helped with frequent reminders and reinforcements. In the absence of this immediate feedback, it’s natural to drift away from safety practices and error prevention tools.


Our Committed to Safety Program has allowed us to assess, profile and reinforce our safety culture; it continues to be a staple in our safety management program and will for years to come. CSI has embraced our vision and the culture we were trying to create. Their understanding of employee engagement and recognition has allowed us to reach our goals.

Ryan Draper

Environment/Health & Safety Manager