One Platform that Unites.

Whether your employees are working from home, out in the field, or in the office, CSI STARS recognition platform makes it easy for ALL employees to give and receive thanks.

Unite your people and simplify processes by consolidating all recognition initiatives into one cohesive, easy to use solution. The Result?

One Platform that Unites. Results.
& locations

Employees who feel recognized
drive growth (and are more fun to be around)

CSISTARS recognition platform…

people sitting around a table

We'll listen to your business needs

A hierarchy driven model means access, approvals and workflow can be configured to meet your business needs.

One platform multiple programs

Reduces HR Administration

HRIS integration saves time, reduces human error and provides a streamlined process that is more efficient and less expensive.

Everyday recognition

Touches Every Employee
Every Day

Our tools make it easy for everyone to recognize at the right time with whatever device is in hand. Stream video, send thanks, award points for great work, incentivize teams. We make a culture of everyday recognition possible!

Computers | Recognition Programs

Reflects your Branding

A recognition site needs to reflect your company’s culture, tone and brand standards. A recognition site designed for a pizza company will have a very different look and feel to that of a hospital. CSI STARS recognizes this and designs unique sites that inspire participation and drive results.

real-time reports

Achieves Strategic Goals

There’s a direct correlation between recognition and results. Managers who frequently recognize their employees have higher retention and productivity than managers who do not. Give managers to tools to recognize easily, frequently and in personal ways that will help retention and engagement.

Recognition Awards

Blends Technology
with Personal Touches

Personalized certificates, symbolic awards, presentation packages, experienced local consultants and dedicated customer service teams create meaningful one-on-one moments we all need more of.