CSI STARS Engagement Programs

Ultimately we all want the same thing — to be engaged at work and to feel recognized for our contributions. CSISTARS gives your managers easy to use programs to set goals, track progress and reward great work.

Nomination Wizard

Our Nomination Wizard makes it easy to recognize a star performer. The Wizard creates a nomination that can be automatically approved or sent through to the nominee’s manager for approval. Create a culture of recognition that will engage and strengthen your company culture.

Badges/Trophy Case

Highlight achievements with customized virtual trophies and badges. Tailor the badges and trophies to reinforce behaviours and publicly recognize the accomplishment of individual or team goals.

Performance, Sales and Incentives

That which gets measured, improves. Our Metrics Manager and Leader Boards allow managers to communicate goals and track key metrics that will motivate and produce desired results.

SPOT Recognition Cards

Make recognition immediate with our SPOT recognition cards. Recognize employees immediately for doing the right thing, at the right time.

Social Recognition

Being publicly recognized is a big deal. Get connected with our social recognition and reward news stream. Employees can add ‘peers’ to their network and be kept up-to-date with who in the organization is being recognized while celebrating their peers’ success.

Peer/Manager Thank You

A great tool that makes sending a quick thank you to an employee or colleague simple and meaningful.

Birthday Awards

Don’t forget a birthday ever again. Our platform automatically generates a personalized birthday greeting.


Design a safety incentive program to recognize and reward employees for safety-related behaviors, activities or results.


Encourage employees to set health goals and track their progress. A great way to promote wellness in the workplace.