running employee and "Worried about employees job hopping? NEW DIGITAL HR TOOLS CAN HELP MANAGERS TUNE IN AND EMPLOYEES TUNE UP" written below him

Worried about job hopping employees?

In Retention by Lori McKnight

Worried about Job Hopping Employees?

Investing in HR technology tools can help managers “tune in” and employees “tune up”

Fall is one the busiest times of year for recruiters and job hoppers. Decision makers have returned from vacation and September feels like the beginning of a new year for many employees. A good time to make a change.

How do you keep your top employees from considering their options?

Enable managers with tools to LISTEN, LEARN and LEAD

As you can see from the stats illustrated below, management skills are critical to preventing employees from moving on to greener pastures (or your competitors). Data-driven performance tools are no longer “nice to have” but necessary for managers to more accurately identify employee contributions, match opportunities with employee strengths, update goals and give feedback throughout the year.

Worried about Job Hopping Employees?


What Job Hopping Employees are Looking, Gallup Business Journal
Employees Rising, Weber Shandwick, April 2014
Deloitte Millennial Survey 2016: Winning over the next generation of leaders, Deloitte Consulting,2016
State of the American Manager, Gallup, April 2015
Predictions for 2017, Bersin and Associates
Customer Employee Engagement, Aberdeen

For more information on how CSISTARS Engagement and Performance tools can drive workplace change, enable managers and improve your employee experience, contact us for a demo today.

Author: Lori McKnight

Lori McKnight
Lori is the VP of Recognition for CSI International Inc. She has a MBA with a minor in Human Resources, is a Certified Recognition Professional and member of the SHRM blog squad. Prior to joining CSI STARS, she worked at Mercer Human Resource Consulting and Youthography, a youth market research agency. Connect with CSI STARS on LinkedIn to learn how we cultivate a workforce that loves coming to work.