Tip: Recognize work that often goes unnoticed

In by csistars

Tip: Recognize work that often goes unnoticed

Tip: Recognize work that often goes unnoticed

Late last year, Robert Glazer and his family were on a ski vacation. To say they left a mess would be an understatement! Yet, when they returned each afternoon, the room was cleaned and all belongings neatly organized. It must have taken the housekeeping person well over an hour each day. When the family checked out, Robert’s son wrote a thank you note and they left a $60 tip for the housekeeper.

We came across Robert’s post on LinkedIn and asked if he’d share this Random Act of Recognition story with us as it’s a great reminder to:

  1. Practice gratitude. It’s a good thing to do plus has numerous benefits for our health and state of mind.
  2. Show respect, dignity and appreciation for someone’s hard work; work that often goes unnoticed.
  3. Think of others. A tip is often insignificant to you, but can make a meaningful difference to others.

You can read more in Robert’s full article here 


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