Heroes come in many forms

Heroes come in many forms

In by csistars


Heroes come in many forms

I’d like to recognize my son’s teacher who made a special trip to visit my son (at a social distance of course) after speaking with him and hearing how much he missed her. She is our hero of the day.

“This guy had the best day today. He had been a little down last week after seeing a video his teachers sent all the students in his class. After seeing the video, it really hit him that he wasn’t seeing his teachers in person or his friends. I emailed his teacher some homework that had been due and told her how much he missed her and his friends. So today, not only did both his teacher and his ECE call to talk to him, but a few hours later his teacher called me and ask if she could stop by and see him (from a distance of course). She passed by our place in her car and we stood out in front of our building and chatted with her for a few minutes. Preston was literally the happiest. This visit made his day. And mine. He is so lucky to have such an amazing teacher who took the time out of her day to put a smile on this guy’s face.”


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